Candida Powell-Williams:
Lessness, Still Quorum

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Performed at The Serpentine Galleries in London

Saturday 8 September, GMT 13.00 – 15.30pm

and live-streamed to Bosse & Baum’s booth at A Performance Affair in Brussels



With a new one-hour long durational performance piece, exploring the encounter between action, storytelling, symbolism and magical thinking, Candida Powell-Williams reinvents the 22 major arcana cards of a tarot deck in Lessness, still Quorum as three-dimensional spaces activated by the body. Dancers will pierce and divide the space in a choreography inspired by spiritualist diagrams. They will metamorphose between each of the 22 major arcana tarot cards, by using sculptural forms, configured and reconfigured, to recompose architectural structures found in the artist’s tarot cards.

